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Giving Back

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Imagine that you are elderly, unable to leave your home alone, unable to cook for yourself and feeling isolated and alone in the world.

Now imagine that you are elderly and twice per week someone comes to your home to help you do your laundry or house cleaning. Or to help you cook a meal, or to provide relief to those family members or caregivers who give you assistance regularly.

Imagine that this service was provided to you at a fee that you can afford. Imagine that you no longer feel lonely, are able to get transportation to your medical or other appointments and have regular companionship.

SHATKI wants to make this a reality.

Through our GIVING BACK program we want to provide services to seniors in Toronto and help them feel more independent, less alone and less isolated.

SHAKTI is seeking Volunteers who are caring and enthusiastic to be part of this program. Individuals should have two days per week where they can provide these services.

Individuals needing such services will be referred to SHAKTI thorough social service agencies and community referrals.

SHAKTI is accepting monetary donations to assist in the running of this program.

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